Following the publication of our research report (conducted in partnership with the University of South Wales and Glyndwr University) into the potential for switching substance as a result of the introduction of Minimum Pricing of Alcohol in Wales next March, we are pleased to announce that a series of 7 workshops will be taking place across Wales over the coming weeks. These FREE workshops will give practitioners, commissioners and policy makers an opportunity to hear from the research team, who will share the findings and recommendations of the research. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the implications of the research for services and those who will be impacted when MPA is introduced in Wales on 2nd March 2020.
The first two workshops have been scheduled to take place in Newport (on Thursday 5th December, 1.15-4.15pm) and in Cardiff (on Friday 6th December, 9.30am-12.45pm).
Places are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. To book your place, please email your name, service name and email address to: enquiries@f8c.co.uk