Recovery Support

Figure 8 has built a growing expertise and reputation for supporting recovery-oriented practice and service delivery across the UK. Our unique approach enables evidence to be put into practice by combining our research and evaluation departments with our workforce development initiatives. This unique ability brings a whole systems approach to the future of recovery oriented systems of care.

I have worked with Andy Perkins over the last four years as part of contract with Perth & Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership to promote and support recovery capital in Perth & Kinross. As part of this process Figure 8 carried out a set of surveys with non-specialist drug and alcohol services and specialist services to establish recovery baselines for our area. As result of this, a range of recovery meetings were run with a wide range of stakeholders. Andy was crucial in the delivery of these recovery engagement meetings. These meetings were well received and these meetings were the starting point for the identification of our Recovery Orientated System of Care (ROSC) resources. Figure 8 has been a key partner in the development of the recovery system in Perth and Kinross. Strategically, Andy has played a key role in our ADP Executive Group and other ADP working groups and has brought an insight to these meeting which members have appreciated and valued. This independent insight has allowed our ROSC to develop. I have no hesitation in recommending Andy and Figure 8 as they have played a significant part in our recovery journey. (2015)

Ian Smillie (Lead Officer, Perth and Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership)